Youth are Losing Hope Because of Chaos: Asthana
| Kanishka Singh, Editor-Nutrition, IOP - 11 Oct 2018

Youth are Losing Hope Because of Chaos: Asthana


Kanishka Singh

Indian Observer Post

New Delhi, Oct 10, 2018: “The national, political and social unrest which is creating fear among the people of our country must be curbed for the growth of our society,” said Major General Shashi Asthana, the Chief Instructor, USI. He was chairing a session in a conclave recently organized by CEE on the Multicultural Education in Indian Education system at USI, Rao Tularam Marg, Vasant Vihar, New Delhi. Various dignitaries, experts, educationists, researchers and representatives from private and government educational sectors attended the conclave.

Maj. General (Rtd.) Asthana said, “Our country is facing threat from Pakistan and China also and because of that the people living in that area are not able to live peacefully. Everyday happenings in Jammu & Kashmir, Maharashtra, U.P and other states are creating chaos all over the country.”

“Many innocent people are killed in such circumstances, due to which the youth are losing hope of getting a better and peaceful life in future,” he added.  

The conclave started with lighting of the lamp by the dignitaries who were sharing the dais in the first session along with the president of CEE, Shruti Arora, who also welcomed the guests and participants. The first session was attended by the retired high-rank officials from Defence Services. The topic of their discussion was ‘Role of Multicultural Education for National Security’.

The speakers highlighted that at school and college level teachers can help to facilitate positive intergroup relationships through Cooperative learning activities. Multicultural education teaches students to acknowledge, embrace, and respect differences and also recognize the importance of challenging all forms of discrimination based on race, gender, age, religion, ability or sexual orientation.

“Multicultural education allows people to experience different ways of life like languages, art, traditions, and behaviors of other people. It aims to prepare children for living in a multicultural society by giving them an understanding of different culture,” speakers opined.  

The second session was chaired by Anil Trigunayat, the former Ambassador of India to Jordan, Libya, and Malta. The topic discussed by the speakers was “Multicultural Education: Reforming Education”.

Ambassador Anil Trigunayat in his speech said, “Multicultural Educational Activities may allow students to experience new things and to express their feelings. It will help educators to reach students who may benefit from more hands-on or practical learning experiences.”

“Multicultural Education is beneficial in academic, emotional and personal ways in which students learn about others and even themselves. As student perspectives towards it remain positive, allowing other students to become exposed to this subject may encourage and conclude inconsistent, positive attitudes towards other cultures. As Multicultural Education is a complex subject with many concepts, it is important for teachers to be fully knowledgeable of its dept and open to learning more about it to create a safe space for their students. The educators must be able to confront fears and openness of talking about sensitive subjects, such as diversity issues and transforming attitudes that students may also possess towards different cultures,” Ambassador Anil Trigunayat said.

The open house session was very interactive as many genuine questions were put up by the audience. The speakers were able to give them the convincing reply to clear their doubts. Teachers from different institutions were given the award by the chief-guest Shyam Jaju, National Vice President Bharatiya Janata Party, who appreciated CEE for taking a topic for discussion which is a burning issue at present. The vote of thanks was given by Shruti Arora, the President of CEE.

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