NASA Appreciates Indian Scientist For Making Alert for Tsunami in 2029
| IOP Desk - 12 Jun 2019

Dr. Abhinav Kumar Shrivastava is the Author of ‘Kissing Oscar’

NASA Appreciates Indian Scientist For Making Alert for Tusnami in 2029

By Darshni Priya

New Delhi, June 12, 2019: Dr. Abhinav Kumar Shrivastava, an Indian scientist and author of ‘Kissing Oscar’ has created a golden history globally making 1.3 billion Indians Proud. His Research Paper titled “Scientific Correlation Of Occurrence Tsunami-2004 With Astronomical Movement of Apophis (99942),and Highest Probability of Re-Occurrence of Tsunami in 2029, The Postulates and Disaster Preparedness Planning”, was the only single Poster Presentation selected from India at “International Astronauts Association, Planetary Defence Conference – (PDC 2019),Sponsored by NASA, held at Washington DC, USA during 29 April-3rd May 2019. (Reference: -, Poster Presentation, Session 7).

In this matchless Research Concept, Dr. Shrivastava developed most advance and novel Theory of Astrophysics and propagated scientific postulate that there is an enormous high probability; that on 13 April 2029, again Tsunami Disaster will occur hitting the coastal belts of East African Continent, Konkan and Malabar Coast (From Gujrat to Kerela). Further Himachal Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Punjab and Siliguri Corridor (Chicken’s neck) will be in high threat zone of powerful earthquakes.

What’s unique in his research paper, he explains “There have been numerous studies done on Apophis(99942). Also, various teams of Scientists are preparing for an attack by nuclear missile weapon technology to change the trajectory of Apophis (99942). However, I have explained the “Unnoticed Gigantic Disaster”. Apophis (99942) crossed near to the Earth’s Gravitational Orbit on 25-26thDecember 2004and disturbed the movement of “Seismic Wave” of the atmosphere of Earth (Exosphere, Thermosphere, Mesosphere, Stratosphere, Troposphere); same as like an air loop is left behind by a supersonic fighter jet. These “Seismic Wave” propelled the small whirlpools in the sea to merge together and gain “Accelerative Perpetual Momentum”; which resulted as uncontrolled turbulent sea tide in form of Tusnami_2004. The same action may be repeated on April 13th, 2029.

How he drafted this classical research paper, he shared “I was working on this paper since 2006.  I read about 150 journals of Physics, Astrophysics, Quantum Physics and of courses Ph.D. Thesis of Sir Stephen Hawkins and that too about 70 times thoroughly!!”.

Dr. Shrivastava was born and brought up in Jayant Colliery of Singrauli district of Madhya Pradesh.  His Schooling till matriculation was done from Jyoti School Jayant and Intermediate from DAV Dudhichua. He graduated in Arts and earned his MBA from Prestigious IIT(ISM) Dhanbad securing All India Rank 1 in toughest Entrance Exam of IIT(ISM) Dhanbad for the Academic Session 2008-2010.

He has drafted 21 High-Quality Impact Factor International Journals, 3 Books, earned 7 secret Intellectual Property Grants(Patents/Copyrights); and has accomplished multiple “International Diplomatic Academic Assignments”. His first book “Kissing Oscar” was the best seller of 2012. His Ph.D. Thesis is a distinctive glossary of blended pragmatic research chapters on “Gender Empowerment and Women Safety”, “Economic Rationale of Industrial Safety”; “Water Resource Management”; “Scientific Art of Graphology (Handwriting Analysis)”; “Documentation Expertise Methods” and “Disaster Management”.

He completed his Ph.D. at a mere age of 26!!. His Ph.D. Thesis Guide, Prof. Nemi Chand Pahariya, Retired Dean of Rajasthan University shared “In 45 years of my Academic Career, I have never seen such a disciplined, innovative, religiously dedicated for assigned work and razor sharp intelligent Student like Abhinav. He has always made me Proud!!”.

Dr. Shrivastava belongs to a breed of rare earth genius and Ethical academician who have received a personal email of appreciation from Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam for his work efforts. Dr. Shrivastava shared “In 2012, I endorsed a detailed Scientific Project Proposal as a request application to Dr. Kalam for his mentoring on thisproject. His Personal secretary Mr. R.K. Prasad mailed me and shared that “Dr. Kalam never accepts to mentor anyone. However, Dr. Kalam has seen your letter and conveyed his best wishes to you for all your efforts”.

“For me the biggest achievement of my life is that Dr. Kalam’s has seen my application personally and has conveyed his best wishes personally to me. Since then, I kept complete silence till I achieved my final goal. And today proudly I can share message of best wishes from my role model, Dr. A.P.J. AbdulKalam. As inspired from him only I opted the career of a dedicated academician even having lucrative corporate jobs” He added.

Sharing his daily schedule for his success Dr. Shrivastava told “I leave bed by 4 am sharp followed by 90 minutes for Yoga, exercise and meditation. I work (study and research) average 18 hours per day, which has been my regular schedule for almost the last 15 years.”On asking that what are his plans for the development of India, he replied: “If Government of India provides me an opportunity then within next 3-9 month, I have a plan which will for sure drop-down poverty from 16.5% to 24% nationwide, as well as about 50 million job opportunities will be created.”

Being Inspired from Dr. Shrivastava’s extraordinary pioneering and visionary concept, the Planetary Defence Conference sponsored by NASA has mentioned a separate chapter on the official webpage titled as “Statement of Support for the Apophysis 2029 Opportunity”. Dr. Shrivastava is the first foresighted person in the world who has identified the probable risk of re-occurrence of Tusnami in 2029, and to develop mitigation strategies for the same. (Reference: -

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